It would be really nice if we could resize some of the windows in OT. Name list, doc area, etc.

7 votes

Many of our clients have hyphenated last names, similar names, or are couples that don't share last names. It is very difficult to make sure I've selected the correct client when I cannot read the whole name. For example, 3 clients named John Smith, and the name area won't show the whole name to know if I have Smith,John and Sally; Smith,John & Sandra; or Smith,John and Sanderson, Jane. (and full screen doesn't change it at all.)
Also, it would be nice to be able to resize the columns on the docs screen .

We also have an issue where if we have made it full screen, then go smaller, we can't see anything on the right side of the window w/ scrolling. And then we can't see what's on the left, to know which file/ client/ etc we are looking at. It does not actually resize properly. We could work around this easier, if we could adjust those columns ourselves.

Under consideration Suggested by: Angela Horst Upvoted: 19 Nov, '21 Comments: 0

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